Guitar Luthier With xx Years Experience

This would be text about you and how you trained and how long you've been working as a guitar repearer, making and tech.

My Services

Full Guitar Setup

Short description of guitar setup. Button would link to setup page/faq for more information.

Custom Pickups

Short description of pickups. Button would link to pickups page to see whole list and purchase options.

Bespoke Guitar Builds

Short description of guitar builds. Button would link to a page all about custom guitar building.

Let Me Come To You

Text about the mobile guitar service. Talk about coming to people's houses to repair their gear. Button would go to dedicated mobile service page. Image would be of you working at someone's house (maybe Dave's?!)

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of questions we commonly get asked.

Text about guitar setups. How long they take - typical cost depending on the guitar type.

To change the appearance of a block, such as the way in which it is laid out and the width of its columns, click on the Change Layout button on the block toolbar, to the right of each block. You can show and hide many of the elements that make up a block by clicking Block Settings on the right hand toolbar and going to the Elements tab. In Block Settings you can also change other aspects of how a block looks, including margins, colours, animations and background images.

You can change the order that blocks appear on your page using the up and down arrow buttons on the right hand toolbar, or you can drag the entire block using your mouse.

Artist's I've Worked With

Overview of the people you have worked with.

Default image

Artist 1

Default image

Artist 2

Default image

Artist 3

Happy Customers

This block is an item collection and allows multiple similar items to be added and removed. You can drag these items to reorder them.



To add more items to this collection, click the + button that appears to the right of the final item when hovering your mouse over this block.



You can change the number of items shown on each row by clicking on the Change Layout icon. This can be found on the right hand toolbar.

